20 Тра

Here is my first mockup of a timeline for my open-source, Linux-based, non-linear video editor... which still remains unnamed. I imagine I will make countless changes to this mockup, but I just wanted to share the first of many. Click on the image for a larger version.

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20 Тра

While trying to complete my video / media inspector demo program (in Python of course), I got sidetracked playing with Gnonlin. Gnonlin is a plug-in for Gstreamer which helps layout and prioritize video and audio clips on a timeline. It was designed to help people like me make non-linear video / audio editors. So, I figured I ...

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16 Тра

I have decided to create a simple, mini-project, (depending on your definition of simple) video inspector (& player). There will be a gnome / GTK graphical interface, a simple file chooser dialog, a small box on the screen for the video, and a table of labels to display important clip information. This will test my knowledge ...

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15 Тра

I'm going to put all the GUI and Python issues aside for a moment, and share a few things I've learned about creating a non-linear video editor using the Gstreamer framework. One of the original authors of Gstreamer also created a library called gnonlin (i.e. Gstreamer Non-Linear). This library ...

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15 Тра

As great as Cairo seems, I just recently learned about a widget in the gnome / GTK+ library that can also be used for drawing: Gnome Canvas. While Cairo seems to be more for drawing static, non-interactive pictures, the Gnome Canvas is more for layering shapes, bitmaps, etc... onto a "canvas", and it keeps track of ...

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14 Тра

Now that I have completed many tutorials and logged many hours coding, I feel good about my Python skills. I can easily create classes, use inheritance, call methods, and my favorite, list comprehensions. Now what? I need to learn GTK+, and how to use it with Python. I found a great tutorial for PyGTK (which ...

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14 Тра

On my quest to adapt my programming skills to the Python language, I ran across a great ebook / tutorial, Dive Into Python. Although it has some pretty complicated examples, where I would have preferred simple examples, it's still a great resource. It is written for experienced programmers in mind, so it's not supposed ...

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10 Тра

Soon I will have to answer the question, "How do I render a video timeline using Python & Glade / PyGTK?". Their are obviously no widgets that are made for this function, and I can't exactly assemble buttons, images, and labels on the screen and make it look very nice or believable.

The answer is ...

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10 Тра

In my opinion, the #1 most important aspect of any software is it's interface (aside from doing something useful, of course). How easy is it to use? How intuitive and streamlined is it? Case in point, their are many video editors for Linux... so why is nobody happy? Many of them can combine video ...

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